It’s hard to find good quality personal trainer? You look at them on paper, and they may meet the qualifications, but those qualifications have to come to life. The practical application is the challenge.
Some may have years of experience and knowledge, like ourselves, may be organized and know how to manage their time, have a good work ethic, etc., and they say a lot. However, the issue isn’t just finding a personal trainer or a dietitian with great credentials. It’s finding the right personal trainer or dietitian in an industry in which is just emerging.
And because the industry is still in its infantile stages It will be a while before the supply of health and fitness professionals equals the demand. Right now, the demand for health and fitness professionals with qualifications and experience is higher than the supply, so often an unqualified consultant fills that spot.
While there are other great fitness professionals in San Mateo, it would be my privilege to share your journey in becoming the “you” that you’ve always known you can be.